Articles by feminine_luk

feminine_luk 39,1946 GC
4 Articles
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SAM(jokes)   1/6/2004

Q: Why did the cross-eyed teacher quit his job? A: Because he could not control his pupils! <br> Q: Why did the nurse go to art school? A: Because she wanted to learn how to draw bl

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feminine_luk 39,1946 GC
4 Articles
Score 0.0
SAM(jokes)   1/6/2004

Q: What did Mary Poppins tell the chef after dinner? A: "Super cauliflower cheese, but eggs were quite atrocious!"

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feminine_luk 39,1946 GC
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Homosexualy or a 3rd Sex   1/6/2004

Homosexualy or a 3rd Sex "If you to respect u, you need to respect others...thats many gays common says to many people who oppose and descriminate there gender..."

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feminine_luk 39,1946 GC
4 Articles
Score 0.0
SAM   1/6/2004

For me Love is simply define it is INSPITE OF, NOT BECAUSE OF...Love makes you happy and makes you cry...

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