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Being Thankful
Posted:Nov 23, 2023 12:02 am
Last Updated:Dec 16, 2023 3:41 am
I choose not to look upon the fact that I am healthy, have food in my refrigerator, and have clean water to drink as given. They are not given to so many people in our world. The fact that I am safe and (relatively) sane is not a given. That I was born into a family who loves me and into a country not ravaged by war is not a given. It is impossible to name all of the circumstances in my life I've taken for granted. All of the basic needs I've had met, all of the friendships and job opportunities and financial blessings, and the list, truly, is endless. The fact that I am breathing is a miracle, one I too rarely stop to appreciate.
I'm stopping, right now, to be grateful for everything I am and everything I've been given. I'm stopping, right now, to be grateful for every pleasure and every pain that has contributed to the me who sits here and writes these words.
I am thankful for my life. This moment is a blessing. Each breath is a gift. That I've been able to take so much for granted is a gift, too. But it's not how I want to live—not when gratitude is an option, not when wonder and awe are choices.
I choose gratitude. I choose wonder. I choose awe. I choose everything that suggests I'm opening myself to the miraculous reality of simply being alive for one moment more

Happy Thanksgiving to you All.

**Photo Taken By Me
Posted:Nov 20, 2023 4:48 am
Last Updated:Dec 2, 2023 2:56 am
People say it's just sex, but who the fuck wants just sex. I want all of the before. All the words and unraveling of my desires were meticulously noted. Strummed through with glasses and care. I want a gentleman and gentleness. I want the secrets and the little I thought of you. I want someone to break me down slowly. Break me apart from the inside out. Starting with my mind and heart and when they finally get to my body, they know what to do with it. They aren't a stranger. They aren't foreign. I'm familiar and soft and wild in their hands. There's nothing taboo between us because everything about us has been spilled. Shared. They can read my eyes and hear my moans and my whimpers and know the words they equate to. They've memorized me. They've craved me. They've wanted and waited and when we finally strip down behind closed doors it's way more than just sex. It's salvation.
Posted:Nov 20, 2023 4:02 am
Last Updated:Dec 2, 2023 2:47 am
Hope is an incredibly small thing when you are in a very broken place in your life. I don’t think it is something that looks bubbly and enormously bright and fills up the room – not when you are in total darkness. At the beginning of this journey through grief, for me, there was not even any room for hope. I was in total despair almost entirely for the first six months. But there were, in those early months, small glimpses. It did not come rumbling in with bold splendor but instead appeared in small, subtle ways. Like the first time, I was able to take my camera out and photograph the sunset and ENJOY it, about a month after he died. Or the first moments that real, honest, laughter happened. Or in the sharing of painful stories with another wounded soul and helping each other feel less alone. Or going to art galleries and filling up my soul with inspiring and beautiful artwork that somehow made my incredibly broken soul sing for a few moments.

Hope isn’t always easy to see or find amidst the debris of a broken world. It can be easily overlooked when you are so tightly focused on the pain and on keeping things together. I have learned in my grieving that to find it, I must try to always keep a part of myself reserved – assigned to the job of looking only for hope wherever it can be found. The rest of me can wallow and cry and scream – all 98%… but that other 2% of me must always be looking for hope. No matter how small, no matter where. Find it.

Hope is the most powerful thing you can have in your hands when you are going through a deep loss. When you have fallen into the depths of grief and there feels like no way out will ever come… even the smallest proof of light can entirely reframe your world. Even if you cannot see the sun – even if you don’t want to open your eyes and try – to have some small piece of evidence that it indeed still exists somewhere creates a visual in your heart of a place you want to be. And that visual, if you hold it with you as often as possible, eventually, will get you to the sun.

Sarah Treanor
Posted:Nov 19, 2023 8:38 am
Last Updated:Nov 23, 2023 12:27 am
I ask you, what’s more, important than true connection? With it, we have the ability to cultivate a life with weight and girth. A beautifully robust life. Foster healthy relationships built upon trust, respect, kindness, and honesty, but only when we allow the most vulnerable selves to be seen. Open ourselves completely to the energy of another and give and receive without judgment. Trust and feel safe. Connection can be that which gets you through the rough patches, and the difficult conversations, and lifts you up on days you feel less than yourself. Connection strengthens us. It makes us feel valued. Heard. Connection can also heal. Remind us we aren’t alone; there is nothing more powerful than when someone hears the song inside you.

“When we know ourselves to be connected to all others, acting compassionately is simply the natural thing to do.”

It is a modern irony that we live in a society that has so many ways to connect, so many ways to reach out, and yet we rarely put forth the effort to build connections. We talk, post, blog, and say nothing. Unfortunately, we’ve become increasingly more insular and cut off. Cyber recluses. Connections take effort. They take time. Connections are investments and need to be nurtured.

“Real relationships are the product of time spent, which is why so many of us have so few of them.”

Many things, you’ll discover in time, can be short-lived. Physical attraction, money and success, and the boxes and boxes of stuff we buy to fill our misunderstood needs. Connection can transcend all that. If you find someone that gets you; listens to your heart, your fears, your everything. Someone you can drop your armor with. Be you with. Sees your worth. Someone who shares with you a mental and even spiritual connection. Someone who stirs your soul and inspires you. That is when you will see the greatness of connection. That is when you’ll know true intimacy.
Be Brave.
Posted:Nov 17, 2023 12:57 am
Last Updated:Apr 6, 2024 10:24 pm
There will come a time in your life, once, twice, or thrice that you will find yourself drifting. drowning. As you see the air pockets rush from your nostrils, all that you can feel is your essence, and all that you can hear is emptiness, and your person; who you are-is clear beckoning resolve with your heart. Then you will need to stop. and build the courage to swim up to the surface for your lung's demand to give it another chance. To try. I promise it does not get better. You are only required to be okay with it, Then it is not so bad anymore. The weight is not so heavy because for every hurdle you jump over, your bones are alloyed with strength, your mind is magnified with possibilities, your heart is elasticated and any means pain delves cannot knife it. You become a lighthouse that ensures lost souls like your former self are safely guided to the harbor. and your garden blossoms with all kinds of fascinating flowers filled with the essence of home; belonging, for all once upon lost souls. It becomes a constant reminder to be beautifully brave.

Why This? Why Her?
Posted:Nov 15, 2023 4:30 am
Last Updated:Dec 2, 2023 2:31 am
Why do I want her so much? What does it mean that she has given me this amazing and precious gift of trust and submission?

At first, I wanted her because she was the placeholder for everything my life was lacking. She’s funny as fuck, dirty, wild, and drop-dead gorgeous! Who wouldn’t want her?! Life threw us some curves, and we grew from playmates, to close friends who truly trust each other. When I really got to know her, I learned that beyond all the first impression stuff that drew me to her, she has a heart that keeps on trying, no matter how badly fucked over it's been.

She trusted her darkness to me, and I did the same. We quickly grew into best friends. So, the answer to Why Her lies in that trust that grew out of shared tragedies. When two people trust enough to let down all their walls and be 100% honest, that becomes the basis of an amazing relationship, and from that point, anything and everything becomes possible.

Why This is a bit trickier. Part of it is the physical pleasure that she gives me, of course. Being with her…the things she does to me, for me, feel fucking amazing! It's more than that though, so much more. It’s an exercise in trust and communication. It's a chance to do things the right way, instead of falling into the trap of complacency. It's looking back on every mistake I’ve made in relationships, and saying that I won't do that again. I’ll take the risk, open my soul to this person, and see where it takes us.

Most importantly though, it's my way of repaying and honoring the most precious gift she could ever give me. When a woman trusts and loves you so deeply that she is willing to give you her body to play with, to experiment on, to explore…she’s giving you her heart and soul, her fears, and asking that you guard them with your life. For me, that’s the true gift of submission. Everything else is just window dressing.

I think she’s also looking for me to give her peace at the moment. When you get lost in lust and desire, nothing else matters. The whole fucking world, all the stress, and bullshit…it all vanishes, and there is nothing but the sensory overload of that instant. Fear, pleasure, anticipation…all mixing to drive away the pain.

So, I’ll fuck her savagely, and relentlessly. I’ll smack her ass until tears roll down her cheeks. I’ll leave bite marks on her thighs. I’ll bend her over the bed and rip her panties off. I’ll take her at awkward, random moments because she’s fucking mine, and it feels good to remind her of that. And I know that’s what she wants because we talk about all those things, and she trusts me enough to tell me where her limits are, and how hard she can be pushed. She trusts me to respect those limits and push her to the edge, without losing control of myself.

What started as a simple diversion, a distraction from the disaster that my life had become, has turned into the most amazing relationship imaginable. It's a relationship that continues to grow and evolve, but at its core is based on trust, the desire to see each other happy, and the knowledge that things like this don’t come along every day, so we do our best to make the most of any and every moment we can steal.

~Art Break
Posted:Nov 13, 2023 7:45 pm
Last Updated:Dec 8, 2023 12:02 am
Artist : Unknown
Thrills And Thresholds, The Pleasure In Pain
Posted:Nov 12, 2023 10:07 pm
Last Updated:Dec 2, 2023 2:27 am
Pain is a complex and multifaceted sensation that varies greatly from person to person. In the world of BDSM, the dynamics of pain take on a unique and consensual context. Participants engage in activities that incorporate various degrees of pain to explore pleasure, dominance, and submission. It is important to note, before getting started, that many who are involved in BDSM choose to not incorporate pain into how they practice BDSM. Still, for those who do or are curious, this post delves into how individuals process and tolerate pain in BDSM activities, offering insights and techniques for maximizing pleasure while minimizing any harm.

BDSM practitioners often refer to the concept of "pain processing" as the capacity to experience, interpret, and endure pain within a
controlled and consensual environment. Pain processing is a highly individualized experience, influenced by physical, emotional, and psychological factors. Key elements in pain processing include:

Consent and Trust: BDSM activities are built upon trust and clear consent between participants. Establishing boundaries and safe words is crucial to ensuring that all involved parties are comfortable with the level of pain they are experiencing.

Psychological State: An individual's psychological state significantly impacts their pain processing ability. Emotions like fear, anticipation, or arousal can alter pain perception. Some people find that pain intensifies their pleasure, while for others, it may decrease their threshold.

Physical Factors: Physical factors, such as a person's general health, pain tolerance, and individual sensitivities, play a role in pain processing. Pain thresholds can vary widely between individuals.

Techniques and Tools: BDSM practitioners employ various techniques and tools to manipulate and control the intensity of pain, including restraints, impact play, and sensory deprivation. Learning to use these tools safely is essential for maximizing pleasure and minimizing harm.

BDSM activities often involve pushing physical and emotional boundaries, but safety and consent are paramount. Here are some key considerations for pushing boundaries safely:

1. Communication: Open and honest communication is vital. Participants should discuss their desires, limits, and boundaries before engaging in any BDSM activity. A safe word or gesture should be established to indicate when a participant wishes to stop or slow down.

2. Start Slowly: It is crucial to start slowly and, gradually increase the intensity of the activities. This allows participants to acclimate to the sensations and ensures that no one is pushed too far, or too quickly.

3. Educate and Seek Guidance: Participants must educate themselves about BDSM practices and techniques. Seeking guidance from experienced practitioners, attending workshops, or reading educational materials can provide valuable insights.

4. Aftercare: Aftercare is a critical component of BDSM activities. After an intense scene, participants should engage in a process of emotional and physical care, which may include cuddling, reassurance, and addressing any potential psychological or emotional triggers.

BDSM practitioners aim to create a balance between pleasure and pain while minimizing the risk of injury. Here are some techniques for achieving this balance:

1. Sensory Play: Incorporating sensory play, such as using feathers, ice, or hot wax, can heighten the sensations and provide a more balanced experience.

2. Safety Precautions: Practitioners should use safe and sterile equipment, follow hygiene guidelines, and be well-versed in first aid practices in case of any accidents.

3. Feedback and Adjustment: Continuous communication and feedback during BDSM activities allow participants to make real-time adjustments, ensuring that the experience remains pleasurable and within agreed-upon boundaries.

4. Self-Care: Participants should prioritize self-care, both before and after BDSM sessions. This includes staying well-hydrated, getting enough rest, and engaging in activities that promote mental and emotional well-being.

The world of BDSM offers a unique and consensual space where the interplay of pleasure and pain takes center stage. Pain processing, an intensely personal experience, hinges on trust, communication, and a deep understanding of one's own and their partner's boundaries. While pushing boundaries is a fundamental aspect of BDSM, it must always be done with utmost care, ensuring that all involved parties feel safe and respected.

To maximize pleasure and minimize harm, practitioners should prioritize open communication, a gradual approach to intensity, and comprehensive aftercare. Safety precautions and self-care are also crucial, underlining the importance of maintaining physical and emotional well-being throughout the experience.

In the end, BDSM is about more than just pain; it is about the consensual exchange of power and the exploration of desires. It's a deeply intimate journey that allows participants to delve into their fantasies and trust their partners in ways that few other experiences can replicate. As long as it's built upon a foundation of trust, consent, and a commitment to safety, BDSM can be a fulfilling and transformative experience for all involved.

Come Lay With Me.....
Posted:Nov 12, 2023 10:19 am
Last Updated:Apr 6, 2024 10:24 pm

Why the Caged Bird Sings
Posted:Nov 10, 2023 8:03 am
Last Updated:Nov 13, 2023 4:51 am
She feels safe and protected. Whereas some might view the bars of a cage as being confining, she sees them as a barrier constructed to keep out all of the negative and destructive influences of the world. Her cage is a cocoon in which she nestles as if in a warm blanket on a cold night.

Her needs are anticipated and taken care of. How wonderful to think of the one who possesses her as thinking ahead to all of the things she might need to make her healthy and happy…and then making sure those things are all readily available when she needs them.

She is no longer responsible for making endless decisions. As part of the outside world, she is bombarded constantly with the need to make decisions… some small and some of life-altering proportions. Within the confines of her cage, she need only worry about singing her song and with that voice letting her Master know she is content to live within his power and control because she knows He thinks only of her well-being.

Being owned means also being chosen above all others. And that sense of belonging to one who really wants her is a powerful feeling not easily replaced. Having his pick of all the singing birds in the land, her Master selected her to place within His home…and His heart. She feels honored to be so chosen and sings freely to show her devotion.

Freedom is a relative term meaning different things to different people. To this bird of song, the true freedom to pursue her dreams and desires could never be found outside of her captivity…captive in a home specially prepared for her by the one who considers her His greatest possession. Her captivity by Him sets her free.



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